which was flooded by about 1.5 meters of water for more than 2 days
before it receded to hand in our family donation.
Folks in the area lost almost everything
because the flood waters breached the bund
in the early hours of the morning catching everyone off guard.

Wei Yang and the water level stain on the wall.

A month have passed but life is still not back to normal yet
we pray for a speedy recovery from her fever
and getting her home back to normal again.

Everything have to be in the sun.

The mosque that was safe from the rising waters,
thanks to the right thinking architect
who build it more than 2 meters higher.

Repair works on the damaged bund,
some early warning mechanism like a siren
needs to be installed to inform of water levels
on the other side of the bund which was breached
sending tsunami like waters into the helpless villagers.

I would suggest local municipal only approve houses which are build on silts
like this one in Brunei
at low lying areas to avoid further misery in future.

Two newly place pump on top of the bund,
in fact more should be installed permanantly at all outlet points
and properly maintained if not it will take days
to drain out water from the area.